A Message of Hope
Jesus understood that his destiny was to be crucified, and he knew it would be a painful death. Indeed, there was a moment when he asked: Father, are you sure? Yet, Jesus accepted his destiny knowing it was God’s will, and that his sacrifice would help heal a broken world. Maybe Jesus, understanding that his earthly journey was nearing an end, took time to reflect on his life and ministry. And if such reflection happened, perhaps Christ shared the following thoughts.
“Heavenly Father, I’ve taught your lessons just as you’ve asked, using parables to touch the hearts and minds of my brothers and sisters of all backgrounds and religions. Many have watched me pray to you. And through you, Holy Father, I’ve fed gatherings of thousands with just a few loaves of bread and a handful of fish. Through you, Gracious Father, I’ve cast out demons and healed the sick. Those who were blind can now see, and I raised my friend Lazarus from the dead. And Father, all of this has been done for your glory and to show my brothers and sisters that you have sent me.”
“Still, many will not know me as your Son. Many will never believe what I’ve done through you. Some find it difficult to accept what they do not understand. Others were expecting a warrior king, not a Prince of Peace. They were looking for a Savior who would conquer their enemies, not forgive them. Yet, I shall vanquish death, this world’s greatest fear. I will show my brothers and sisters that life is everlasting. I will prove that the body’s demise is but a new beginning. And Father, for those who believe, the truth shall set them free.”
“I’ve taught my brothers and sisters not to worry about when they will eat or what they will wear. I’ve shown them that life is more than food and the body is more than clothes. I’ve assured them that, when seeking Heaven, their earthly needs are provided as well. I’ve offered my brothers and sisters a new way in which to perceive the world. I’ve taught them how to pray and to grow in faith. But above all, I’ve shown them how to love. Holy Father, mine is a legacy of love, not fear; and of forgiveness, not revenge. And Father I ask that, through you, my legacy shall be one of life, not death; of joy, not suffering; and of resurrection, not crucifixion. My spilled blood will end all need for sacrifice. And I pray that my teachings will remain a beacon of hope.”
Truth is where faith and mercy are one with God; where the horizontal and vertical components of the cross are joined in perfect harmony. Even where joy has vanished, there is love.
Christ’s resurrection is more real than anything which can be seen or touched.