The Power of Love

The Power of Love

The physical universe is a manifestation of God’s love. Therefore, love is the master of structure and form. Through love, all things are accomplished. Through love, you will quiet the winds and calm the sea. Through love, your command will move the mountain from here to there. If you cannot do these simple things, then grow in love today and try again tomorrow. For when you truly believe in love, all things are possible. And when you truly believe that you are love, you will be a master of worldly things.


Love is the power which drives human progress, including advances in technology. The universe isn’t frozen in time. By design, breakthroughs in consciousness happen everywhere in the world. They may occur at any moment, just as they always have. When Moses walked in the desert, there were no doctors performing open heart surgery. And when Saint Paul preached to the Gentiles, there were no astronauts landing on the moon. Such advances offer proof of an ever-present, ever-expanding love which thrives on our planet.

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